If God doesn’t grant you the desires of your heart, is He still enough?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Be careful what you pray for?” Until recently, it was something I always took for granted. You see, a few months ago, I was at a really amazing spot with God… in fact, I might even say I had never felt closer to Him. Life had settled down a bit, I had established a routine of spending quality time in the Word, I was immersed in community, and my prayer life was on fire. Of course, instead of resting in that season, I challenged it. I didn’t feel okay with being comfortable. I remember praying over and over again, “Lord, shake me. Reveal my brokenness. Point out my sin. Do whatever you have to do for me to see your goodness and faithfulness in the areas of my life I’ve built walls around. Make my heart more like yours even if that means wrecking […]

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Gifts of Goodness

For the month of December, I have been reading through the gospel of Luke which details Jesus’ life. Throughout this time, I have been meditating on Jesus’ character, trying to pick out ways that I can be more like him. The following moment most recently struck me:

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Lessons from Potty Training

Warning: the following blog post contains bathroom-related content. My son just turned three years old.  As such, he is super into three-year-old things like riding his scooter, kicking his soccer ball, telling me about everything his eyes land on, and…the potty.  If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times: I’ve never learned more about my relationship with the Lord than when I became a mother.  In light of this, here are a few lessons God has been teaching me from our attempt at potty training.

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All this Pain & All this Grace

Around January of this year, I started to feel different and it led to me acting differently.  I wish I could tell you now that the way I was feeling and acting was positive; however, it truly wasn’t.  I was angry, bitter, and frustrated with just about everything and everyone in my life. It spilled over into everything: work, family, friends.  I started to avoid people because of it. I put myself into a box and didn’t let myself out. I would put on a front, but inside I was crumbling. Even then, God was working in the depths of my heart and tearing down and building up – I just didn’t realize it yet.

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Infinite Chances

  I’ve heard it said that God is a God of second chances. If God gave me a second chance every time I made a mistake, I would be out of second chances. So I disagree. He is a God of infinite chances.

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Choosing to Forgive

My church was covering the Beatitudes for a few months; each week, they would highlight one line from each beatitude. In the week leading up to the verse, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy,” I was faced with a situation where I did not show mercy.

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The Freedom of Forgiveness

How do you feel when someone says to you, “I forgive you?”  Do you feel relieved?  Freed up?  Like you’re closer to this person than you were before?  If that’s how it feels to receive forgiveness, then how might it feel to be the one extending it?

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