The Story of Us

Sitting here on this sunny morning with tea, worship music, a lighted Christmas tree, and so much joy in my heart, I don’t think my college self would have believed this woman would have ever existed. College freshman Katie had just been broken up with by her boyfriend, the man she thought she would marry, was headed home from her first semester of college where she still didn’t entirely feel like she fit in, and just felt utterly lost. Her heart was empty and broken, and she didn’t believe she would ever be happy again. I remember lamenting to my sister and sobbing into her arms. She told me it would all be ok, but I didn’t believe her. Oh sweet Katie of the past, if only you would have had a looking glass to see me now. Now don’t get me wrong, my life is far from perfect. I […]

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All this Pain & All this Grace

Around January of this year, I started to feel different and it led to me acting differently.  I wish I could tell you now that the way I was feeling and acting was positive; however, it truly wasn’t.  I was angry, bitter, and frustrated with just about everything and everyone in my life. It spilled over into everything: work, family, friends.  I started to avoid people because of it. I put myself into a box and didn’t let myself out. I would put on a front, but inside I was crumbling. Even then, God was working in the depths of my heart and tearing down and building up – I just didn’t realize it yet.

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New Year, New Me

“New Year, New Me!” It’s a phrase you see and hear about all over the place this time of the year. Everyone is setting out to make new goals and setting out to change themselves. Some goals will stick and others won’t. It’s a time where people redefine themselves and ask the question – who am I?

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Fast Food Grace

American’s consume a lot of fast food. In fact, 20% of all American meals are eaten in the car. Why? Because we are busy! Recently, my pastor told us: “culturally if we don’t have somewhere to be, we don’t know how to function. The reality is that we cannot function without the chaos in our lives”. How does this impact our relationship with Jesus? Personally, I find myself giving myself “fast food grace”: it’s the little moments here and there where I seek Christ. While God loves all these little moments, it’s not as spiritually nourishing to our bodies, much like fast food is considerably less nourishing to our physical ones.

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If you doubt God, you are not alone

7:09 AM: “Dad is having jaw and chest pains. He says they went away now. I wanted to take him to ER.” I was receiving report on patients when I got this message from my mom. My heart sank. I called her immediately. She told me some more scary details: numbness in his left arm, sharp pains, sweating. She told me they were on their way to the emergency room.

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Jesus Wants to Flip the Tables In Our Hearts

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I can’t help but pause and remember one year in my college bible study when we made each other valentines with bible verses. At the time the popular verse rang so dear to me since I was so new in my faith. But now that I’ve grown in my relationship with God, I feel like they limit Jesus’ expression of love for us. I’m challenged to think about the moments when He convicted His disciples. What about the times when He was angry with them? What about the time He flipped tables in the temple?

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What is the science of suffering?

I don’t remember exactly what was happening in the world at the time, but I remember it being something unnerving; you know, one of those news stories that just makes you cringe and feel nauseated or maybe brings tears to your eyes and makes you want to retreat into the fetal position. Anyway, she asked me, “If God is so good, why do bad things happen?” At the time, I honestly didn’t know what to tell her.

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Disney’s Got Romance All Wrong

Let’s face it, Disney is all about the romance and the magic. I mean, seriously, they’ve built an empire on princesses for goodness sake. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamt of the day when I would be rescued by a knight in shining armor and finally get to have the perfect fairytale wedding and live happily ever after. I think a lot of little girls have that fantasy. We search for a prince to fulfill a longing given to us since our fall in the Garden of Eden.

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