Help (Un)Wanted

I’m not good at accepting help.   There.  I said it.  I say that like you twisted my arm to admit it, but honestly, who is?   Our culture thrives on that “pick yourself up by the bootstraps,” “stand on your own two feet” mentality.  By accepting help, we feel like we are admitting defeat. We just can’t do it. We’re just not good enough.  We’ve failed. And in that vein, asking for help requires a vulnerability we are loath to live out.  We have to show others our messiness.  We can’t hide behind the picture-perfect Instagram life we share online because when we allow someone in, they see the behind-the-scenes.  They see the imperfection. They see the real. Or maybe you, like me, don’t want to burden others with your burdens.  You don’t want to put anyone out by asking for help. You don’t want to add to anyone else’s load […]

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You Can’t Do It Alone

Every summer, I find myself marking time.  It’s the time all my regular activities take a recess for some R&R.  I’m a creature of habit and routine, and while it’s nice to have the freedom and fluidity in my schedule for a while, I find myself genuinely longing to go back to that structure.  I crave regularly meeting with my community. I would consider myself a better than average person at self-discipline.  I get up early and have a quiet time with the Lord and actively attempt to seek Him.  I regulate my calorie, caffeine, and alcohol intake. I work out regularly. I complete my task lists and try not to have too much screen time for myself or my kids.  But my will is not strong enough to do this long-term. Pretty soon this structure and routine becomes habit. It’s a box to check off. It’s a gold star […]

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The Misguided Pursuit of the Perfectionist

“Good enough is never good enough unless it’s the best it can be.” My English teacher told us this in 7th grade.  I didn’t know it at the time, but my teacher had given me the words that defined how I had lived to that point and would live my life going forward. From the time I was little, I have been a rule follower, a do-gooder, and (some might say) a goody-two-shoes.  I can count on one hand the number of times my parents grounded me because 1) they were very few and far between and 2) I punished myself way harder than they ever could, so I definitely remember.  I excelled at and achieved most things I did because, well, that’s what good girls do, right? Rules are there for a reason. And if something has to be done, it’s worth doing well. “Good enough is never good […]

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Just a Mom

“So what do you do?”  This question usually follows some introduction by the other person about how he is responsible for the basic architecture of the internet, how he developed the concept of public key cryptography securing basic Internet commerce, how he is one of the pioneers credited for GPS, or how she’s currently translating her husband’s autobiography into Italian (he’s the gentlemen on your left who designed the first commercial microprocessor).  Okay, so I might have been at an awards gala honoring the people who have basically shaped how we live today…  But I live in Silicon Valley. You don’t have to look very far to encounter people changing the world. I usually stare blankly for a moment before moving on.  “So what do I do?” I’m the COO of an organization whose primary goal is to invest in the lives of specific young people to better the community […]

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What do I know of Holy?

“Nothing is sacred.”  It’s a phrase often used to convey horror at the lack of respect bestowed upon a subject that had previously been designated off limits.  These things range from religious symbols and objects of moral value (think, sanctity of human life) to even the more general things that, if violated, would cause a great amount of discomfort (“Boss cancelled Taco Tuesdays…is nothing sacred anymore?”).

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Oh be careful, little mouth, what you say

I like to talk.  If you’ve ever met me in person, you’re probably thinking, “Wow, Kathryn.  Shocker.” I know. Hear me out. It’s not that I don’t like silence or being quiet.  I’m actually very comfortable in it. It’s that when I’m with other people, I want to communicate.  I want to share stories and ideas and information. Silence feels like lost opportunity!

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Mythbuster Monday: Satan is God’s Opposite

Turn on the television, and you see it.  Dichotomy. The good versus evil, hero versus villain, yin and yang.  The perfect foil. Balance. How can there be an up if there is no down?  How can there be a left if there is no right to give it definition? If God is the definition of all that is perfect and good and holy, then Satan must be the opposite of this, right?

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Lessons from Potty Training

Warning: the following blog post contains bathroom-related content. My son just turned three years old.  As such, he is super into three-year-old things like riding his scooter, kicking his soccer ball, telling me about everything his eyes land on, and…the potty.  If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times: I’ve never learned more about my relationship with the Lord than when I became a mother.  In light of this, here are a few lessons God has been teaching me from our attempt at potty training.

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