Community: Bound Together in Love

silhouette of two person sitting on chair near tree

In the Spring of 2010, I walked into a small room in San Jacinto Hall, a dorm at Texas State University. The room felt vibrant and alive, with lots of smiles, laughs, hugs, and conversation. The room was diverse, from skin color to clothing style, but everyone loved deeply; you could just feel it. I was invited by my new friend, Ellen Porter, to a campus night for a student ministry at Texas State. I knew only one person, but everyone introduced themselves to me and made me feel cared for. This was the start of feeling like a part of a community, a family even, that I didn’t even know I needed at the time. When Jesus truly changed my heart and I became a follower of Jesus a month later, it was this same community that helped me walk faithfully, encouraging me, and challenging me weekly to follow […]

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Our Limitedness and His Limitlessness


In response to a friend’s recent question about for others, I shared something that I do not always remember myself: Part of being on mission means accepting the invitation to pray and intercede for others (1 Thessalonians 5:9, Ephesians 6:19).  “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.”   Colossians 4:3 I both want to share in others’ burdens by thinking about how they might be feeling, but also turn these burdens over to the Lord (Psalm 55:22, Galatians 6:2). We catch glimpses of the early church doing this regularly (Acts 12:12, 20:36). These prayers are also an opportunity to gain humility as we pray prayers often ones no one even knows about. This could lead us to a different question, “Does it really matter that I pray for […]

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A Citywide Prayer Movement

city landscape sunset

When you think of a city where God is actively moving and doing wondrous works, what do you think of? What do you hope for God to accomplish in your city? I have a hope and prayer for my city that looks like this: For God’s presence to be felt in the city like it feels during an outdoor worship experience where God’s joy, hope and commission is palpably tangible. I pray that nonprofits work together; local pastors be united; people chained to addiction and brokenness be set free; for Christians across the city to have the benefit of Christian co-workers “in their corner” that encourage each other to lead with integrity, conviction, and love. I pray for city-wide discipleship: for older folks to show younger folks how to follow Christ. I pray for Christians to love their neighbors so well that people are drawn to wanting to know who […]

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Whose Legacy Are You Shaped By?

We know that community is important to God. He is one God, with three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He made Adam and Eve because it was “not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) He sent out the disciples two by two. He reminds us to “not neglect meeting together.” (Hebrews 10:25) It is not a surprise then when we hear the phrase, “It takes a village.” This statement holds true for one’s spiritual growth and journey. If you think back on your life and consider who influenced your spiritual journey, you will most likely think of not just one, but a handful of people whose unique personalities, traits, and gifts God used to bring you closer to Him. I would love to invite you to read glimpses of how the church has blessed me in my walk with Christ. Beauty is seen and experienced when we […]

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Church Hurt is the Worst Hurt – Part 2

First Incident  “What are you going to do about your career so you can make sure you are more available to your husband’s emotional and sexual needs? You should get him a feelings chart so he can process his deep pain that’s leading him to these behaviors. You need to make sure you are fulfilling his desires so he won’t be tempted.” – Sarah  I was shocked. Was I really hearing this right?  I was in a group with 3 women from church whom I met with weekly. The purpose was to spend intentional time together and foster intimate sisterhood. As I shared about what had been challenging, I alluded to some recent struggles in my marriage. “What’s been going on with your marriage?” Sarah had asked.  I had 2 options: exercise discretion and hinder vulnerability or step out in vulnerability and hope it would open up a new depth […]

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Help (Un)Wanted

I’m not good at accepting help.   There.  I said it.  I say that like you twisted my arm to admit it, but honestly, who is?   Our culture thrives on that “pick yourself up by the bootstraps,” “stand on your own two feet” mentality.  By accepting help, we feel like we are admitting defeat. We just can’t do it. We’re just not good enough.  We’ve failed. And in that vein, asking for help requires a vulnerability we are loath to live out.  We have to show others our messiness.  We can’t hide behind the picture-perfect Instagram life we share online because when we allow someone in, they see the behind-the-scenes.  They see the imperfection. They see the real. Or maybe you, like me, don’t want to burden others with your burdens.  You don’t want to put anyone out by asking for help. You don’t want to add to anyone else’s load […]

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You Can’t Do It Alone

Every summer, I find myself marking time.  It’s the time all my regular activities take a recess for some R&R.  I’m a creature of habit and routine, and while it’s nice to have the freedom and fluidity in my schedule for a while, I find myself genuinely longing to go back to that structure.  I crave regularly meeting with my community. I would consider myself a better than average person at self-discipline.  I get up early and have a quiet time with the Lord and actively attempt to seek Him.  I regulate my calorie, caffeine, and alcohol intake. I work out regularly. I complete my task lists and try not to have too much screen time for myself or my kids.  But my will is not strong enough to do this long-term. Pretty soon this structure and routine becomes habit. It’s a box to check off. It’s a gold star […]

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Gifts of Goodness

For the month of December, I have been reading through the gospel of Luke which details Jesus’ life. Throughout this time, I have been meditating on Jesus’ character, trying to pick out ways that I can be more like him. The following moment most recently struck me:

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Know Your Anchors: The Power of Community

The anxiety was crippling, to the point of nausea. I was trying to focus on my breathing– in for four seconds, out for four seconds. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Slow. It. Down. Hunched over, I stared at the worn, rusty brown fabric of the carpet in my office.

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Top 5 Blogs of 2017

Sisters, thank you for letting us join you on your faith-journey in 2017! Our sole desire was that each blog spurred you on in your faith in Jesus. We sincerely believe faith is a community project – and that’s why All the More exists, “to encourage one another, all the more” (Hebrews 10:23). Without further ado, our most read blog of 2017: When God Says No by Kathryn Pesyna “So maybe He’s not going to let you stay in the city and community you love.  Maybe He’s not going to heal you from that sickness.  Maybe He’s not going to bring you a spouse or kids.  Maybe He’s not going to give you that job or financial stability.  Maybe He’s not going to let you see the fruit of your witness.  But He is faithful, sisters, and He loves you.” #2: Loving Others More, When We Love Them Less Than Jesus by Rachel Mills “I don’t […]

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