Top 5 Blogs of 2017

Sisters, thank you for letting us join you on your faith-journey in 2017! Our sole desire was that each blog spurred you on in your faith in Jesus. We sincerely believe faith is a community project – and that’s why All the More exists, “to encourage one another, all the more” (Hebrews 10:23).

Without further ado, our most read blog of 2017: When God Says No by Kathryn Pesyna

“So maybe He’s not going to let you stay in the city and community you love.  Maybe He’s not going to heal you from that sickness.  Maybe He’s not going to bring you a spouse or kids.  Maybe He’s not going to give you that job or financial stability.  Maybe He’s not going to let you see the fruit of your witness.  But He is faithful, sisters, and He loves you.”

#2: Loving Others More, When We Love Them Less Than Jesus by Rachel Mills

“I don’t know what relationships you find closer than Jesus – maybe it’s a spouse, a friend, a sibling, a coworker, a neighbor, a parent, or a child. But I do know this: These relationships aren’t meant to be our all in all, but to point us to the One who is. While it seems backwards or counterintuitive we actually end up loving others more when we love them less than Jesus.”

#3: Anyone Can Complain, Christians Can Lament by Rachel Mills

“Jesus did not take away our lamenting, He took it up. Having endured the cross, He secured for us the one thing we need more than anything: himself. He gave us the presence of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). God will never ask us to lament without His presence. Therefore, we will never lament without hope.”

#4: When Home Isn’t Home Anymore by Natalie Mayo

“While we were once strangers and exiles to God, in Christ we are now strangers and exiles to this world.”

Last but not least, #5: Stop Daydreaming and Start Praying! by Jenny McCarty

“So I asked myself—what if I started praying for the things that I am daydreaming/thinking about about instead of just thinking about them? What if I turned my thoughts into prayers?”

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