Grasping for Grace

You know those days where you just cannot do anything right? You upset people you love and care about, you mess up on a task at work, you didn’t go to the gym like you had originally planned and instead went straight home for the 8th day in a row? I’ve had those days for what feels like weeks. I end up discouraged, upset, and frustrated with myself. I come home and talk about how I wish my day had a different result and my husband quietly says, “I wish you would give yourself a lot more grace. You shouldn’t talk about yourself that way.”

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Does being zealous for God mean I have to always be excited?

Now that it’s November, it’s finally culturally appropriate to get excited about Christmas!! In honor of that, let me kick off this blog with a reference from the classic Christmas movie Elf. When Buddy the Elf is in the department store and they announce that Santa is coming, Buddy SCREAMS and jumps up and down with hysterical excitement! (For your enjoyment, here’s the scene).

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Is Life Really Greener on the Other Side?

It is officially pumpkin spice latte season. If you live in the Midwest region of the United States like I do, fall is the time of year when the leaves start to change, the weather is cooler, the air is crisp, and the apple orchards are packed with people longing for warm delicious cinnamon sugar donuts.

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Are you longing for more?

“Lord, what is it that you have been doing in me? I have felt it for months now and continued to push it away. Like the child who wants nothing to do with the broccoli she is being served at dinnertime, I have slid my plate across the table- far from my sight and wanting little to do with it.

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What you packin’?

Just last week, my dad and I left to go on my first backpacking trip. This trip was planned over the last year, and he drove all the way from Michigan to meet me—needless to say, we were pumped. We mapped out the four-pass loop in Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado; a twenty-eight mile journey through one of the most photographed locations in the U.S.

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Do You Treasure Money More Than God?

Imagine that you are walking through the mall to buy a birthday present for the celebration you have to go to later that night for one of your closest friends. On your way to Forever21, you stop in at an accessory store just to take a peek. The saleswoman asks if she can help you with anything, but you insist that you are browsing and not looking to purchase anything. 15 minutes later, and somehow you ended up at the cash register.

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The Questions to Ask Yourself

Many times in my life I have had someone look back at me and say, “Are you coming?” I tend to stay back and watch different events in life unfold. But this repeated phrase has often come in my direction as cold waves crashed around me while I’d slowly wade into the ocean. The water often cold; I would wish to stay in that spot or retreat backwards to shore — content to watch from a distance out of an inner fear of the ocean itself. Instead of putting those fears aside and joining my family or friends and building on our memories together, I would miss out on those precious times.

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I’ve always been a pretty fantastic storyteller. Although my mother would probably call it “embellisher” or “drama-queen” or something like that, but I prefer storyteller- it sounds more legitimate. Even when I was just a little nugget, I had a knack for making up elaborate stories

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Back to the Basics

The alarm clock goes off and after hitting the snooze button 5 times, I know the time has come when I must face the world. I rush into the shower, scramble to pack the lunch I should’ve put together the night before, sit down to spend a quick moment with God while my hair dries, panic when I realize

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