Who will be your Running Partner this Year?

so the adventure begins pen paper

Hello, 2022. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? As I sit here writing this on the tail end of 2021, my mind is spinning at all that has happened in one year. Isn’t wild how when we are in the day-to-day, the days can seem so long and then suddenly weeks turn into months and you are back at Dec 31st, reflecting again at all that has happened in one year. The days go slow but the years seem to go fast. A year of blessings, change, loss, new life, friendship, conflict, hurt, encounter, and discovery of self– amazing all of those things can go on in the span of a year.  Each year right around this time I get the overwhelming urge that this year, I will not just run a half marathon, but I will buckle down and run a full marathon. It always feels good […]

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Join Me in Making a Holiday Resolution

girl looking at phone during holidays

We’ve gathered together, we’ve offered our thanks, and we’ve taken our Thanksgiving naps.  Next: a flurry of activity as we prepare for Christmas. Gift buying and wrapping, parties and Secret Santa exchanges. For those grieving: loneliness. For others: joy. For others still: stress.  Before we launch into the month of December, let’s pause for a moment. Breathe in, and out, and in again. Still and listen.  I’m making a reverse New Year’s Resolution this year.  Instead of committing to something starting in January, I’m making a commitment to a goal that will end in January.  Today, I would like to gently offer a reflection before we reach the end of the year. I would be honored for you to read.  In her book None Like Him, Jen Wilken writes how certain traits (being all-powerful, all-knowing, etc) can only describe God, while other traits (being loving, joyful, patient, etc.) are for […]

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