Add to your Faith: Perseverance

man on mountain with snow

When was the last time you persevered through something difficult? Or perhaps persevered through temptation? Last week, a few months ago, a year ago? I like Webster’s definition of perseverance – “The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult.” The exhortation to persevere through sin is something that has popped up for me recently reading through scripture and other readings.  Jesus told his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to stay awake with Him as He was seeking and praying to God the Father about the cup he was to bear (His death). Jesus informed Peter, James, and John, “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.“ (Matthew 26:41, NKJV) I can rest assured according to God’s true and rich Word that my spirit is willing to obey! In 2 Peter 1:3, we are informed that “His [the Lord’s] divine […]

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A Citywide Prayer Movement

city landscape sunset

When you think of a city where God is actively moving and doing wondrous works, what do you think of? What do you hope for God to accomplish in your city? I have a hope and prayer for my city that looks like this: For God’s presence to be felt in the city like it feels during an outdoor worship experience where God’s joy, hope and commission is palpably tangible. I pray that nonprofits work together; local pastors be united; people chained to addiction and brokenness be set free; for Christians across the city to have the benefit of Christian co-workers “in their corner” that encourage each other to lead with integrity, conviction, and love. I pray for city-wide discipleship: for older folks to show younger folks how to follow Christ. I pray for Christians to love their neighbors so well that people are drawn to wanting to know who […]

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Whose Legacy Are You Shaped By?

We know that community is important to God. He is one God, with three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He made Adam and Eve because it was “not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) He sent out the disciples two by two. He reminds us to “not neglect meeting together.” (Hebrews 10:25) It is not a surprise then when we hear the phrase, “It takes a village.” This statement holds true for one’s spiritual growth and journey. If you think back on your life and consider who influenced your spiritual journey, you will most likely think of not just one, but a handful of people whose unique personalities, traits, and gifts God used to bring you closer to Him. I would love to invite you to read glimpses of how the church has blessed me in my walk with Christ. Beauty is seen and experienced when we […]

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Masks That We Hide Behind

The new church plant I am a part of, Refuge Community Church, recently discussed the act of hospitality in the context of bringing people to Christ.  “But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:13-20, NIV Some of the discussion questions were: What masks do you hide behind that hinder hospitality? How do you feel God is leading you to respond? As I listened to Shawn, our associate pastor, give an example in his own life, I realized what was mine.  A mask that I have hidden behind for many years is a façade that I am not as dorky as I am. Writing and saying it out loud makes me laugh because it is a bit ridiculous how trivial some things are when you look at the big picture. However, this has been an area of hurt […]

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Make Disciples of All Nations

If someone asked me what my passions are, discipleship would be one of my top passions. Discipleship is teaching someone to follow Jesus. It is doing life with a person (they seeing your routine interactions with others and how you live your life) and walking alongside them in their relationship with Christ. Discipleship has no age requirements or limits on spiritual maturity. Discipleship is important to me because Jesus commanded it. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:16-20 NIV. Jesus did not say, “go and make converts of all nations, He said “go and make disciples.” I was in my mid 20’s when a lady from my church asked if I wanted to be discipled by her. We had been co-leading a college girls’ bible study together.  I was thrilled that she asked me as I […]

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Idol of Beauty

“He’s not attractive enough for me to want to date him.” “I hope my kids will be cute.” “Her face isn’t very pretty.” “I don’t feel like watching that show/movie because the actors are not appealing to me.“ “I want guys to think I am pretty.” I am baring my sin once again. And once again, how embarrassing it is. These are true thoughts I am ashamed to admit have run through my head. I realized not too long ago, I have an idol of beauty. Too often than not, many decisions I make and the actions I take are based on my perceptions of beauty especially in regards to matchmaking, progeny and how the opposite gender views me. I want a cute husband, cute kids, and to be cute myself! I believe as a culture, we value beauty too much. When it comes down to it, some of us […]

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Willful Sins

“Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.” Psalm 19:13 NIV This verse is one I am adding to my list of personal prayers! It is not one I have heard often. What does doing something willfully mean to you? I do not often think to myself, “I am about to sin and I will sin anyway.” Many times, my desire to sin and me acting on the sin comes in one punch.  I don’t usually think through my sin rationally before I sin. A verse in James tells us there is a succession of events in sinning.   “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” James 1:15 NIV This verse tells us there is a process that happens prior to sinning and a process after sinning.  Do you set aside intentional time […]

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Anger – My Quiet Storm

It’s always hard to admit sin publicly. I struggle with anger. I want to be open and honest about it. I hesitate for a moment in writing this blog because I am in leadership at my church. What will people think of me when I admit I struggle with this sin?

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Whatever you do…

When I think of the phrase “whatever you do”, it usually follows with a warning. “Whatever you do, don’t do _this_.” But the Apostle Paul phrased it in a positive way:

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